Pubblicato il: 21/03/2025
The University of Milan

The University of Milan

4EU+ #GrowingTogether: achievements and opportunities in the European Alliance is a series of four meetings scheduled between the end of March and the beginning of April, which will give the audience a chance to learn more about the activities and opportunities offered in the framework of the 4EU+ European University Alliance in a medium- and long-term perspective.

The 4EU+ #GrowingTogether meetings are open to the whole academic community and organised in collaboration with members of the four Flagship Programme Committees. Each committee is in charge of activities for one of the 4EU+ Flagships: Urban Health and Demographic Change; Europeanness: multilingualism, pluralities, citizenship; Digitisation – Modelling – Transformation; Environmental transitions.

During the meetings, the speakers will present the outcomes achieved in the framework of the European Universities Initiative, along with the opportunities for collaboration and mobility supported both by EU funding programmes and funds allocated by partner Universities.

University's delegate for the 4EU+ Alliance Antonella Baldi stated: "This series of meetings, organised together with Flagship Programme Committees members in different campuses of our university, will offer the opportunity to discuss the development of a model for a multidisciplinary and research-intensive university – One Comprehensive Research European University (1CORE) – and to look together at the future opportunities of the Alliance, so as to build an even more advanced collaboration in education, research, innovation and outreach activities." 

Calendar of meetings 

28 March,14.30-16.30, Sala Malliani, via Festa del Perdono 7

Flagship 2: Europeanness: multilingualism, pluralities, citizenship (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Humanities, School of Language Mediation and Intercultural communication)

Moderated by Antonia Baraggia and Elena Landone

2 April, 14.00-16.00, Aula Milani, Palazzo Uffici del Policlinico, via F. Sforza 28 

Flagship 1: Urban Health and Demographic Change

Moderated by Antonella Delle Fave and Anna Fracanzani


7 April, 14.30-16.30, room C03, Settore Didattico Colombo, via Mangiagalli 25

Flagship 3: Digitisation - Modelling – Transformation

Moderated by Davide Rocchesso and Giulio Vistoli

Flagship 4: Environmental transitions

Moderated by Gianalberto Losapio and Carlo Pozzi

9 April, 14.30-16.30, Sala Lauree, via Conservatorio 7

Flagship 2: Europeanness: multilingualism, pluralities, citizenship (Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences)

Moderated by Angela Lupone

The meetings are open to everybody until all places available have been assigned, so registration is recommended. Click on the box below to see the calendar of the meetings and fill the form to register for the ones you are interested in. All meetings will be held in Italian.