Parte di: Professional branding for job search and internship
Immagine di copertina didattica e formazione

In this webinar we will learn the essential difference between video interview and asynchronous video responses. Strategies, tips and techniques to better develop our video answers in a real gym. The first good impression of a candidate is all to be played, and in 2021 it is necessary to adapt to new modes! The meeting will take place on Microsoft Teams and subscribers will receive instructions in order to participate.

Evento di Career service
20 Aprile 2021
ore 14:30
Online su Teams
  • Santini Emiliano
    Cosp - Centro di Servizio di Ateneo per l'Orientamento allo Studio e alle Professioni
2021-04-20 14:30:00 2021-04-20 16:00:00 Europe/Rome On demand job interview: would you really choose yourself? Online su Teams;