Immagine di copertina didattica e formazione

Per l’edizione 2023 del Financial Intermediation Network of European Studies workshop, ricercatori e professionisti del settore, italiani ed europei, si alterneranno sui maggiori temi di attualità in materia d’intermediazione bancaria, dalla gestione del rischio al sistema della stabilità finanziaria, dall’assetto societario alle politiche di governo, dalla tecnofinanza alla finanza sostenibile. Incontro organizzato dall’Università Statale di Milano e dalla Essex Business School.

29 Novembre 2023
ore 08:30
2023-11-29 08:30:00 2023-11-29 19:00:00 Europe/Rome Financial Intermediation Network of European Studies workshop <p>A cura di K</p> <p>Analisi ed elaborazione testi, reperimento e collegamento link/info</p> <p>---</p> <p>Da sito evento (e programma) e da sito dipartimento risulta la data del 29 novembre ---&gt; verifica in corso con Ufficio Eventi ---&gt; ok data evento del 29 novembre, aggiornamento by Barbara</p> <p>Collegati sito e programma </p> <p>Traduzione Eng-Ita</p> <p>inseriti categoria Didattica e formazione, SSD in Scienze politiche e Mediazione linguistica e culturale</p> <p>---</p> <p>Titolo originario in &quot;Title&quot;: Financial Intermediation Network of European Studies Workshop</p> <p>Testo breve originario in &quot;Short description&quot;: The 2023 Autumn Workshop of the Financial Intermediation Network of European Studies (FINEST) will be held in Milan November 29th 2023. Financial Intermediation Network of European Studies (FINEST) workshops are small meetings with an in-depth discussion (from top scholars) of a limited numberof high-quality papers to foster discussion among academics, policymakers, and practitioners about the evolving challenges facing banks.</p> <p>Testo esteso: The 2023 Autumn Workshop of the Financial Intermediation Network of European Studies (FINEST) will be held in Milan November 29th 2023. Financial Intermediation Network of European Studies (FINEST) workshops are small meetings with an in-depth discussion (from top scholars) of a limited numberof high-quality papers to foster discussion among academics, policymakers, and practitioners about the evolving challenges facing banks. In the 2023 Autumn workshop, we expect to accept up to six full papers for presentation. We invite submission of papers (or research proposals for the early ideasession) in all areas related to financial intermediation, includingbank risk-taking, regulation, supervision, financial stability, ownership structure, and governance issues, market structureand competition, and FinTech), and with a focus on sustainable finance and policy changes. The workshop will include a round table on Sustainable finance with practitioners, academic scholars, and policymakers.</p> Sala Lauree - Conservatorio (Edificio 1); via Conservatorio, 7, 20122 Milano (MI)