Il ricercatore iraniano Ahmadreza Djalali
Vida Mehran Nia, moglie del ricercatore Ahmadreza Djalali, ha detto all'agenzia #AFP che l'esecuzione, secondo quanto riferito dai legali dell'uomo, tuttora incarcerato, sarebbe stata rimandata dalle autorità iraniane "di alcuni giorni". [Ultimo aggiornamento: 3 dicembre, ore 17.00]
Fonte: delegati CRUI international
L’Università Statale di Milano, membro di RUniPace (Rete delle Università per la Pace) e SAR (Scholars at Risk), appoggia la richiesta di liberazione del ricercatore iraniano Ahmadreza Djalali, inviata da Ferruccio Resta, presidente della Conferenza dei Rettori Italiani, all’Ayatollah Khamenei.
L’arresto di Ahmadreza Djalali viola gli standard internazionali minimi stabiliti per la libertà accademica, il giusto processo e il trattamento umano dei prigionieri.
Il Dr. Djalali, studioso iraniano-svedese di medicina, già impegnato in attività didattica e di ricerca oltre che in Svezia e in Belgio anche in Italia, dal 2016 è sottoposto a privazioni fisiche, cliniche e dell’esercizio dei sui diritti di difesa e rischia in ogni momento l’esecuzione della sentenza di pena di morte.
La lettera - frutto della collaborazione tra la CRUI e SAR Italia - è stata diffusa attraverso i canali nazionali e internazionali e ha ricevuto gli apprezzamenti di Cornelia Ernst, Chair of the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with Iran.
Riportiamo di seguito la lettera in inglese inviata dal presidente Ferruccio Resta all’Ayatollah Khamenei.
Obj: Halt execution and release Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali
Your Excellency,
I am writing on behalf of the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI), to express the grave concern of the Italian academic system for the well-being of Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali, an Iranian-Swedish scholar of disaster medicine at imminent risk of execution. Dr. Djalali teaches at universities in Belgium, Sweden, and Italy (Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale).
We understand from Amnesty International and Scholars at Risk (SAR) that Iranian authorities arrested Dr. Djalali in April 2016 and recently put him in solitary confinement and are preparing to carry out his death sentence at any moment. Dr. Djalali has been denied the right to appeal his conviction and sentence. He was arrested for “corruption on earth” (ifsad fil-arz), based on unsubstantiated allegations that he had provided intelligence to the Israeli authorities. He has suffered from a number of severe medical complications, and he is also suspected of being at high-risk of leukemia. Despite these complications, we understand that authorities have repeatedly denied Dr. Djalali proper medical care.
Absent additional information, the facts as described suggest that Dr. Djalali’s arrest and sentencing suggest a flagrant disregard for international standards of academic freedom, fair trial, and humane treatment of prisoners, as guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Iran is a party.
CRUI respectfully urge you to call on the appropriate authorities to suspend the capital sentence issued against Dr. Amadreza Djalali, to secure his release, and to ensure his well-being and access to legal counsel, family, and medical treatment.
We appreciate your attention to his important matter and look forward to your reply.
Sincerely yours,
Ferruccio Resta
President of the Conference of Italian University Rectors
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