Noi Statale: the new Rector and her team
On 28 October at 11.30 am, the Great Hall on the via Festa del Perdono 7 campus hosted "Noi Statale", an event to introduce the new Rector and her team, who will remain in office until 2030.
The event aimed to create a collective vision for the present and future of the University of Milan, involving all those who experience the day-to-day life of its yards, classrooms, libraries, laboratories and offices, who build meaning and create value not only for the University itself, but also for Milan and the surrounding area.
The morning opened with a dialogue between Rector Marina Brambilla and journalist Venanzio Postiglione about the current situation of our University and its future ahead. After that, there were short speeches by Deputy Rector Giovanni Onida and Vice Rectors Silvana Castano, Paola Catenaccio, Marilisa D’Amico, Monica Diluca, Chiara Torre, Gian Battista Bischetti, Francesco Blasi, Mauro Di Giancamillo, Carlo Fiorio and Stefano Simonetta. Director General Angelo Casertano also said a few words, followed by President of the Student Council Giacomo Pangrazzi.
Rector Marina Brambilla commented: "Universities need to reclaim a more central role in the public debate. I believe that all those who teach and produce knowledge should speak out loud not only about research, innovation and the right to higher education, but also about some hot topics of our time, such as migration flows and social crises, making their contribution to our understanding of the future through data and science. If we want our country to thrive, we have a duty to bring scientific innovation to the attention of our policy-makers. The word that will guide us over the next six years is "Care": care as a constant commitment towards our University and all the people who are studying and working within its walls, but also the care that we will put in following processes, in turning projects into reality. A care that is not only rational in nature, but also driven by our passion and devotion for everything that the University of Milan represents for us all".
The event concluded with a performance by artist Tommaso Spazzini Villa.
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